Wellness at Smith Village

On October 14th 2011 Smith Village and Metro South Hospital hosted a Wellness Fair for all residents and staff within the community. All individuals were invited to come and sample several healthy snack items, as they talked with the dietitians on the benefits of healthy eating and disease prevention, as well as review the new 2010 dietary guidelines. In addition to the nutritional information, indivudials were invited to not only get flu vaccinations, but also to get their blood sugars, cholesterol levels, BMI, and bone density checked. All tests were free of charge and helped to determine their overall health at this time as well as ways they can improve their overall health to decrease disease. The wellness event was well attended. The employees and residents that came out to the event were very happy to learn how they can better improve their health and the quality of their lives. We had a great time and look forward to hosting this event again next year!