Passover at Lieberman

The celebration of Passover on the Jewish calendar occurs every spring.  Passover is an eight day festival.  

During Passover Jews who observe this holiday do not eat bread, or other items which have leavening (ingredients which rise).  In addition to bread this includes certain cakes and sweets, crackers, etc.  Instead of bread, a flat bread called matzah is eaten.  Other baked goods are made with special Passover flour.  There are also some vegetables which are not eaten during Passover, including corn, beans and peas.  Rice is also not served during the holiday.

Lieberman hosted a Seder for residents and their families on the first and second night of Passover.  In total, 126 guests were served and $ 2180.00 was generated in revenue for the client.  The menu featured traditional Jewish foods such as Cornish Hen with orange sauce, Brisket, root vegetables and homemade Kugel.

Jennifer Reiner MS, RD, LD | General Manager | Morrison Community Living | Lieberman Center for Health & Rehabilitation