The Longest Day

Each year, on the summer solstice, the Alzheimer's Association holds "The Longest Day" event to bring awareness to those with Alzheimer's. Events around the country go from sunrise-to-sunset, symbolizing the challenging journey of those living with the disease as well as celebrating their caregivers. Westminster Place, a Presbyterian Homes community, utilizes their NuStep machines and asks residents and employees to donate their time with either 15 minutes or 30 minutes of "stepping." Paul Stoddard, GM of Dining at Westminster Place, donated 30 minutes, 3100 steps, as well as contributed $100 from Morrison and the dining team.

I wanted to support this amazing cause because my grandfather, Richard Yarnell, was lost to this disease a few years ago. It was great to be able to support the people and family's that have to experience this disease, as I know firsthand what it's like.

If you have not already and are looking for a great organization to donate to, feel free to follow this link to my page to donate:
Paul Stoddard
Operations Manager | Presbyterian Homes