Food Truck Rally at Central Bapist Village

We had our first ever Food Truck Rally, CBV Style! 

With the recent rise in food trucks craze, we thought it would be a fun idea to bring the food fun to our residents. This was a fantastic event for residents, staff and families to come together and enjoy some delicious food together. Our chef’s had a great time creating the menu for the event.  We even had our very own dietician Stacy Kosmen as the Clown making balloon foods for all the guest to enjoy!

Our menu included:
Gourmet Hotdogs
Short Rib Sliders
Skirt Steak and Veggie Tacos
Chinese Bao Bun with Roasted Vegetables
Homemade Funnel Cake
Ice Cream Treats
Fresh Popped Popcorn
Lemonade and Mojitos

We look forward to doing this again next year with many new ideas.

Nicole Randa |  Director of Culinary Services | Morrison Community Living |­ Central Baptist Village