Mike's Message: Soaring Higher Drives Client Value

As we enter our fourth season of regional competition with Soaring Higher Together, I'm beginning to see our clients are getting as excited about it as we are (click link below to see Episcopal Church Home's facility newsletter).

This is not a surprise to me because the reason is obvious. The focus of our entire initiative is designed to elicit this very response. Simply put, the focus on continuously moving our programs and services forward, constantly looking for ways to make incremental improvements and engaging all of our associates is what it's all about. This is why our clients value our partnership and it will be why we continue to grow our business. I have always believed that there is no such thing as an energy neutral management team. We are either moving forward and "Soaring Higher Together" or we are asleep at the wheel and will soon crash and burn.

I want to thank everyone for your committment and focus on driving value for your clients and I'd like to encourage everyone to keep your clients closely posted on what you and your team are doing to drive the value of our partnership.