Benecalorie Brownies from Bay Medical Center

Working in long-term care sometimes boasts interesting challenges for dietitians, especially with residents who have dementia. We have a resident at our facility that will only eat sweets. You may think a nutritional supplement would be an easy fix for this particular resident, but she does not like creamy beverages, ice cream or even juice. She does however love cakes pies and cookies, but some days she would even turn down these items. On the days this resident does eat we needed to provide her with the most calorie dense items we could, which usually were desserts, but desserts were only providing this resident with a fraction of her estimated daily nutritional needs. A nurse at our facility had the idea to add Benecalorie to brownie mix to bump up the calorie content. Lori Klymko one of our full time RD’s and part time baker spearheaded this project finding the right ratio of Benecalorie to brownie mix, and even thought of adding peanut butter for an additional protein source. It was a hit! Other weight loss residents also enjoyed these brownies.  These brownies boast a whopping 577 kal, and 6 g of protein per serving, meeting almost half of this resident’s daily estimated nutritional needs. 


Brownie mix as directed on package
One additional egg
3 packages of Benecalorie
½ cup of peanut butter