AMITL at Huron County Medical Care Facility

A Caribbean Meal in the Life at Huron County Medical Care Facility
This month’s featured meal was a group effort at HCMCF. Normally most of the meal is prepared by the cooks and assistants but for this meal anyone who had a bit of extra time in their day helped to prepare the special Caribbean meal. The team happily worked away while listening to Jimmy Buffet and sharing personal stories of vacations to the Caribbean.

Before Showtime:
Our Caribbean meal featured Jamaican Jerk Chicken with fresh Pineapple Salsa or a Grilled Cuban Sandwich, Creole Lima Beans, Orange Spiced Carrots, Black Beans and Rice, and Pepper Pot Soup. The desserts offered were Key Lime Pie and a Tropical Fruit Salad with a Honey Lime Dressing.
During Showtime:
Everyone looking forward to sampling the meal during Showtime.
After Showtime:
As you can see it was well received and the team was able to inspire the residents to try something new.
Andra Shier| Assistant Director of Dining Services | Huron County Medical Care Facility