Culinary Chat at Masonic Pathways

At Masonic Pathways in Alma, Michigan we hold Culinary Chats with our residents bi-weekly.  This week we introduced our new clinical team (pictured left to right: Michelle Novak, Noelle Schleder, and Joelle DeNisi) and apples as our superfood of the month.  During this chat we discussed the health benefits, nutritional info, fun facts, and more. The residents enjoyed being a part of the chat by telling stories of when they used to make apple pie and apple cider in the fall season. We also made an apple dip for the residents to try. Both the dip and the overall program was a hit with everyone and we are excited for our next Culinary Chat!

Recipe for cinnamon apple dip:
1 cup plain or vanilla yogurt (any brand, vanilla will be sweeter. If plain is used more honey or brown sugar may be needed to taste sweeter)
1 Tbsp. honey
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. brown sugar

Combine all ingredients in bowl, mix, and enjoy!

Danielle Cataline, RD | Director of Dining Services