Encore Presents Painting and Sculpture at Huron County Medical Care Facility

Residents at Huron County Medical Care Facility attended an “Art and Appetizer” party in celebration of the November Encore Paint and Sculpture program. The table was set to resemble a still life piece of art with vibrant fruits and appetizers.
 Much like the trendy Wine and Painting parties, residents learned about famous artists who used food as their artistic subjects. The residents then completed a painting project and enjoyed appetizers while their “paint dried”! The completed projects became table centerpieces for a special Encore meal the following week.
Many residents were proud to be a part of their dining décor and were very excited about the meal after learning interesting facts about our two featured artists, Claes Oldenberg and Frida Kahlo.

The meal featured Tilapia Vera Cruz and Cheese Enchiladas which were items that Frida was known to prepare for many of her special dinner parties. For dessert the residents were treated to either a bowl or cherries or a “dropped” cone in honor of some of Claes Oldenberg’s sculptures.

Andra Shier| Assistant Director of Dining Services | Huron County Medical Care Facility |