January Promotional Ideas

Monthly Ideas
Apricot Month: Recipes from EatingWell
California Dried Plum Digestive Month: http://www.californiadriedplums.org/
Get a Balanced Life Month
International Brain Teaser Month
National Hot Tea Month: 10 Healthy Tea Recipes
National Mentoring Month
National Soup Month
Dried Fruit Month

Weekly Ideas
Resolution Week 1st to 4th
National Fresh Squeezed Juice Week 17th to 23rd: http://www.simplejuicerecipes.com/

Daily Ideas
1st - New Years Day: Fun Recipes
2nd - National Buffet Day
3rd - Drinking Straw Day
3rd - Chocolate Covered Cherry Day
4th - Trivia Day: http://www.triviacafe.com/
6th - Bean Day: Why Bean Day?
7th - Orthodox Christmas: Info and Recipes
7th - National Tempura Day: Tempura Recipes
8th - National English Toffee Day: Foodimentary
8th - Show and Tell Day at Work
11th - Cigarettes are Hazardous to your health Day: Quit Smoking Guide
11th - Fruitcake Toss Day: http://www.nationalwhateverday.com/whatever-days/january/fruitcake-toss-day/
13th - National Clean off your desk Day
19th - Humanitarian Day: http://www.un.org/en/events/humanitarianday/
16th - Tu B'shuvat: FAQ
20th - Martin Luther King Day
19th - Popcorn Day: 40 Perfect Popcorn Recipes
23rd - National Pie Day: http://www.piecouncil.org/Events/NationalPieDay/
24th - Peanut Butter Day: http://nationalpeanutboard.org/the-facts/fun-facts/
25th - Irish Coffee Day
26th - Peanut Brittle Day
28th - National Kazoo Day: http://www.nationalkazooday.com/
31st - Chinese New Year: Info and Ideas