Villa St Benedict January Reserve Dinner

Chef Jeremy DeRango's reserve dinner at Villa St Benedict this month's theme was rustic Italian.  The 12 seats for the dinner filled quite quickly and the residents always enjoy, good drinks, friends and food.  The menu was as followed:

Tuna Crostini
White bean puree, tapenade, porcini mushroom power, chive

Rosso & Verde (red & Green)
Roasted shallots, goat cheese dressing, black olive oil, golden beets, red & green oak 

Cozze Vongole
Mussels, little necks, sausage, toasted garlic, tomatoes

Hand made pappardelle, pork, veal, beef, parmesan reggiano, cream & basil

Chocolate coffee gelato, lady fingers, crème an-glaze, whipped mascarpone 
Jeremy Derango Executive Chef | Villa St. Benedict