Take me out to the ballgame!

This week at Huron County Medical Care Facility the Activities and Dining Services departments hosted a “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” special luncheon.

To get in the spirit of the game, ballpark style food was served featuring a Michigan Coney Dog, Cheese Fries, a big pickle and a Lemon Slushie. 
While the residents enjoyed the meal, many reminisced on games they have attended and were looking forward to the evening game.
Go Tigers!

Andra Shier| Assistant Director of Dining Services | Huron County Medical Care Facility

"Play Ball" 
The patients and Morrison associates celebrated Tiger's Opening Day at Walter P. Reuther with ball park style hot dogs and french fries. Both orange and blue punch was served, and for dessert they enjoyed ice cold root beer floats!

Ashley Aughton | Assistant Director | Walter P. Reuther Psychiatric Hospital