Accountability from Ken

Clearly communicate it and empower everybody to do a better job

Think about an upcoming project on your calendar. Look at what kind of requests might come to you, or what kind of requests you’re going to have to make of others, Use the following tips and see if you don’t get  the results you were looking for!!!
#1- Create a visual association for every outcome your team is expected to have.
Don’t just tell team members to get you a report—tell them you want a four-page PowerPoint deck that has a graphic meant to illustrate all the data, and no more than six words per slide, or tell them you want a twelve-point one page Microsoft Xcel spreadsheet. Something that helps you both creates that visual association. Don’t tell team members to do just a better job; tell them what a better job looks like and how you are going to measure it.

#2- Get reflection.
People come from different countries, they come from parents, and they come from different places of understanding. So, what you said isn’t going to drive the action on your team; what people heard will. You need to have them reflect back to you what they’ve heard. When you state and request your commitments with a visual association, and you get reflection, you’re going to get better outcomes.

By Henry Evans