Celebrate World Environment Day

Make the most of your Garden – create a part of your garden that is edible & make sure to plant seasonal crops!
Make Thoughtful Decisions - Resist those “impulse buys” & make a list before leaving for the grocery store.
Create a Compost Pile - compost your waste & use it to benefit your garden’s production.
Watch your Fish - our oceans are being damaged by our fishing practices. You can help by purchasing fish that are plentiful & caught in environmentally friendly ways.
Cut Down on Beef Consumption - just to produce one pound of beef, it takes 30 times more water than producing a pound of wheat & 200 times more water than a pound of potatoes.
Make your own Food - making your own food at home will be less wasteful, cheaper, & healthier than eating out.
Reduce Food Waste - get into the habit of “refuse, reduce, reuse, & recycle.”

June 5 is World Environment Day & this year, the theme is “Think, Eat, Save.”