Herbs and spices challenge a hit with many at WHC

Wellness Coordinator Amanda Lynch wanted to provide residents and staff this month with a new challenge when it came to the superfood.  Providing a challenge for all to participate in during the month, four small cups are filled with various herbs and/or spices.  Participates can use the senses of smell and sight to figure out which is which.  Lynch used a variety of options including rosemary, garlic, ginger, chives, mint, and many more to try and encourage individuals to increase their options when cooking for themselves or their families.  Lynch also included different recipes that could be made with the corresponding herbs/spices so that folks could make dishes that were full of flavors they may have not used before or for a long time.  It also created great conversation about how these herbs can be healthier for them if they know how to use them correctly.  She has found a lot of individuals do not use certain items because of the fear of not knowing how to cook them into a recipe.  What a great way to feature something and use it to further individuals education on healthy cooking! She looks forward to many more conversations as the month continues.  
Amanda Lynch, Wellness Coordinator
Western Home Communities