Finding passion at the Western Home Communities

A board with one simple question has launched a greater idea for the Wellness department at the Western Home Communities.  "What is your passion for health and wellness?" was the highlight of the month for Wellness Coordinator Amanda Lynch.  Passion about something that is very important to Lynch and the individuals involved in the day to day wellness classes that are provided for them.  Residents who come to classes are actively making their lives more enriched with exercise, balance, and stress management. However it is helping those who perhaps lack the drive to improve that everyone has been reaching out to.  Finding passion can mean many different things to many people, it has been an exciting experience to help guide folks in the best way possible to finding their passion for health and wellness.  As shown in the picture you are able to see their are many different reasons, all great ones, and all the ideas are encouraged everyday to help individuals maneuver through life.  Lynch looks forward to continuing to educate on passion for resident health and looks forward to the fall when she will launch a passion challenge helping residents and employees increase their passion about life. 
Amanda Lynch, Wellness Coordinator
Western Home Communities