Onboarding at Smith Crossing

This month, our management team at Smith Crossing participated in a webinar called “The Essentials of Employee Onboarding.”  We discussed the difference between orientation and onboarding.  We were taught to practice the basics, such as ensure others are aware of the new hire, create resources, ensure the new hire is provided with the proper supplies, ensure immediate supervisor is available and welcoming, check on the status of the new hire, and give tours of the campus, to make them feel more comfortable in their new role.  The course also trained us to create individual goals and objectives for employees to help them stay on track and measure their personal progress.  We learned cost-free ways to make our employees feel appreciated, such as leaving them a simple note saying, “You did awesome today!”  After participating in this webinar, our management team feels more confident than ever that we will make our new hires and current employees feel at home in our community.  We look forward to putting all that we have learned into good use.  It will be great to report a decrease of employee turn-over to our client!
Kara Superczynski
Dining Manager
Smith Crossing