Own Your Business: Carolyn Rigterink

Leverage Your Positive Attitude and Experience the Possibilities
A Positive attitude is one of the most powerful management and leadership characteristics you can develop. Although we might think people are naturally positive, it is a characteristic that requires a conscious choice. We are bombarded with many events daily that can be viewed with different perspectives. Some may look at a situation and see possibilities while others view the same situation as discouraging , more barriers and see it as very negative. It is our choice as to which perception we choose to follow.
Strong leaders choose strong powerful POSITIVE ATTITUDES that inspire and motivate those around them.
Have you ever worked with someone who is negative? The type of person who when a new idea is offered will be quick to give you the numerous reasons why it won’t work instead of 3 solid reasons or benefits the new idea may bring.  The negative person places limits on themselves by saying “I can’t”. They may fear failure, or believe they are not capable of achieving more. The negative person may even try to derail a new initiative or idea you have for achieving our team goals. These are the individuals we saw depicted in the video clip on engagement ‘Who is Sinking Your Ship.’ Team members with negative attitudes are energy zappers and are detrimental to growth and progress of the team. These negative attitudes must be managed through coaching and support to help determine the reason for the negativity.
In the end Leaders must leverage the POSITIVE ATTITUDES of the team, minimizing the impact of the isolated negative attitudes to achieve the momentum, progress and results desired.