September Promotional Ideas

Bourbon Heritage Month: Bourbon Food Recipes
Cholesterol Education Month:
Go Wild during California Wild Rice Month:
National Coupon Month:
National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month: Tool Kit here
National Honey Month:
National Mushroom Month:
National Shake Month: Marvelous Milkshake Recipes
Healthy Aging Month: 10 Tips for Healthy Aging
Whole Grain Month: Grain Council Info and  Eat Right Info

1-6 Waffle Week: Unique Waffle Recipes
4-6 Popcorn Days: 50 Flavored Popcorn Recipes
7-13 National Assisted Living Week
22-26 Active Aging Week:
21-27 World Reflexology Week: Reflexology Exploring Map

1 - Labor Day
7 - Grandparents Day: Activities
7 - Salami Day: Salami Facts
11 - Patriot Day
12 - Banana Day: 100 Things to do with leftover bananas
13 - National Celiac Awareness Day: Toolkit Here
13 - International Chocolate Day
13 - National Peanut Day
14 - Kreme Filled Donut Day
16 - National Guacamole Day
18 - National Cheeseburger Day
20 - International Eat an Apple Day: Apple Tasting Info
22 - Ice Cream Cone Day
22 - National White Chocolate Day
24 - National Women's Health and Fitness Day:
27 - Family Health and Fitness Day:
29 - International Coffee Day: Pair a coffee taste testing with a talk on the benefits of coffee