Masonic Pathways supports staff member and friend
Recently one of our staff at Masonic Pathways received some very bad medical news. And unfortunately he did not have any life insurance and was trying his best to support his family. As soon as we found out about the news, I had 3 staff members step up and say "we want to throw a benefit dinner to help him and his family". At that point Helen Hohlbein, Les Bemis and Jenelle Saavedra (pictured left to right) went to work on the benefit. Many other of our Compass staff helped also with making gifts for the silent auction, cooking the food, serving the food and cleaning up after the benefit dinner.
They got the hall, we donated the food, they had a 50/50 and they received over 40 items for the silent auction. By the end of the night they made over $6,000 for their fellow co-worker and friend.
I couldn't be more proud of my staff.