October Diversity: Pumpkin Painting

Each year at Smith Village, the community does a pumpkin decorating contest, where each department is responsible for decorating their Halloween pumpkin to put on display for the residents of Smith Village to vote on what they think is "The Great Pumpkin" of the community. This year the dining service department created a ninja turtle themed pumpkin with a full background scenery of the ninja turtles favorite things. The votes aren't in yet, but we are hoping our pumpkin comes out with the win. Every year the employees and the residents can't wait to see what everyone has come up with for their pumpkin. It is always a great time!

Sarah Blackburn, Smith Village

Wednesday October 8th was pumpkin time at Maple Village.  The kitchen staff and I had a ton of fun painting pumpkins with about 20-25 of the residents who reside at Maple.  We had prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners! It was a great way for the residents and kitchen staff to get to know each other and get messy at the same time! 
    Stacey Manna | Chef Director