Apple Promotions from around the Region

On Wednesday, October 22nd the Dining Services team at Evangelical Home in Sterling Heights hosted a Michigan Apple Tasting during their weekly Hospitality Huddle. Residents, staff and family enjoyed tasting 5 different varieties of apples, many of which they had never tried. The RDs shared health benefits of 'an apple a day'. Attendees shared their own personal apple stories and recipes. Several of the residents were farmers and reminisced about growing and picking apples. Recipe cards and pamphlets were featured from the Michigan Apple Committee.
Dana Lutz | RD, Regional Clinical Nutrition Manager

In recognition of our October Super food our dietitian at Smith Crossing, Maggie Stock, did an apple tasting for our residents.  The residents were able to sample a variety of apples, while learning about health benefits that apples provide.

The first week in October we played "Guess the Apple" at NorthPointe Woods. We put four different apples in the break room for the staff to guess the name of the apple. The staff that had the most correct answers were put in drawing to win a gift certificate to our cafe. We provided the nutritional information of the apples and the benefits of eating apples. The apples represented that we may all be different but share similar characteristics. 

Jennifer Hudson CDM, CFPPDirector of Dining Services

Today we educated the residents at resident council on the superfood of the month, Apples.
We made them a Fall Apple smoothie which included: Apples, bananas, pumpkin spice, cinnamon, milk, and ice.  We talked about Fall, picking apples, and our favorite types of apples while enjoying a healthful beverage.  
Submitted by: Bay County Medical Care Facility, Essexville, MI
Scott Nelson RD MS, Heather Gillespie CDM, and Melissa Wood RD