Baking Club at Bay County Medical assists in National Nutrition Month

We had our baking club assist us in preparing two recipes for National Nutrition Month, the regions and recipes are as follows:
1) Caribbean - Pineapple Relish
2) North America - Spaghetti Squash with Mushrooms and Tomatoes

Baking Club is a group of residents who meet every Tuesday in Activities and prepare items with the activities department.  Our activities department is equipped with a kitchen in addition to our dietary department's kitchen. It allows them to do one of their favorite activities they used to do on a daily basis, which is baking/cooking.  It also gives them a chance to have a little treat when they eat what they've made. Any resident is able to come, usually the group size is ~10-15 people.  When we prepared the pineapple relish and the spaghetti squash with tomatoes/mushrooms some of the residents help cut items while others helped scoop out the spaghetti squash.  

Submitted by: Bay County Medical Care Facility Essexville, MI