Chef Bal's New Healthy Cookie Recipe Launches at EVH

At The Evangelical Homes of Michigan-Saline, we kicked off Chef Bal’s new healthy cookie recipe made with lentils, almonds, and chocolate chips.  Customers who sampled the cookie were amazed that a cookie made with lentils could taste so good! The cookies also had a nice kick to it with the added chai tea spice that would compliment any tea or coffee for your breakfast or a mid-day snack. Lentils are loaded full of nutrition with a variety of them including potassium, calcium, zinc, niacin and vitamin K just to name a few.  Chef Jerry passed some out to employees as well who got a chance to sample the new healthy cookie that they could purchase at our Blossom Café!

   Angela Ilievski                               
Assistant Director D.S.                          
Jerry Carpenter