Memorial Day Message

A message from our MDIAC Chair, Timothy Tivvis

Memorial Day is today and I'm confident everyone reading this post knows the true meaning?!? Do your younger staff know?!?

Working with 5 different generations in the workplace can have its challenges. Last year I had an "ah ha" moment when my younger Dining Supervisor was discussing decorations for Memorial Day. There were no American Flags listed and when I inquired, they mentioned that Flags were only for July 4th and Memorial Day is the first day of summer. This of course sparked a conversation with the supervisor on the true meaning of Memorial Day. I also pointed out Veteran Residents who they could speak to in order to gain perspective on its importance.

Today, during Showtime or your pre-service meetings, I encourage you all to ask if everyone knows the true meaning of Memorial Day and if you have an employee who is a veteran give them an opportunity to speak upon what it means to them.

In order to bridge the gap of awareness, knowledge needs to be able to be passed and discussed among our company so that everyone can learn and understand the importance of other cultures, religions, and perspectives.

This web link is meant to help people learn and understand Memorial Day and the Holiday's importance to Veteran's. It is important to pay respect to those who have fought and given their lives so we can enjoy what we have today!

Please share this information with everyone on your team.

Spark Conversation and Make a difference.

Timothy Tivvis CDM, CFPP l MDIAC Chair