The "Nexters" from Debbie Hanchett

I am often hearing from some of my managers who would like to know more about the characteristics of the work group referred to as “Nexters,” this group represents those born between 1980 and 2000.

Emerging Values and Beliefs
*Optimistic                                                    *Are resilient
*Have a sense of civic duty                        *Are sociable
*Are confident                                              *Are street-smart
*Are achievement oriented                       *Are accepting of diversity

Emerging Talents
*Are techno-literate.
*Are goal –oriented.
*Are willing to follow strong leader.
*Are team players.
*Have a strong sense of fairness and ethics.

Managing and Retaining “Nexters”
*Put energy and time into getting them off to a good start.
*Appeal to their desire to be team players.
*Give them a strong team leader.
*Expand your training capabilities to feed their desire for learning.
*Match them up with seasoned workers for mentoring.

Excerpt from “Keeping The People Who Keep You in Business”  by Leigh Branham