AMITL from Around the Region

At Sanilac Medical Care Facility, we celebrated African American AMITL with Fried Chicken, and  Macaroni &Cheese.  We made on display hushpuppies. It was truly a special day filled with memories of families and southern cooking.

Billie A. Duvall, CDM, CFPP 

On Tuesday February 9th EHM Sterling Heights celebrated both Mardi Gras and this month's AMITL by preparing Shrimp Gumbo. Residents, Patients, Team Members, and Guests were provided a recipe along with education and fun facts about Gumbo. Many were unaware that the dish originated in Africa before eventually becoming known as a Creole dish. Everyone enjoyed the presentation (and the Gumbo!).

Bruce Bilbrey | General Manager of Hospitality Services