AMITL at Fountains at Bronson Place

In the spirit of the appealing, relaxed lifestyle in the Caribbean, The Fountains launched summer off right by hosting a local reggae band, Zion Lion. Coinciding with our "A Meal In the Life" dining series, we served up delicious after-dinner treats including Pannacotta, a melon and pineapple tray, dessert bars and an island-style punch along with peach-infused black tea. Residents and other invited guests also enjoyed another local summer favorite, Bell's Oberon beer along with other well-liked brews while they listened to Zion Lion jam on into the night. Some even got up and danced to the smooth island sounds infused with Afro-Latin music. It was a memorable and enjoyable evening filled with smiles, laughter and excitement for the start of summer!

DavidAnsel | Assistant Director of Dining Services | Morrison Community Living| The Fountains at Bronson Place