HCMCF Chat Breaker

At a recent HCMCF dining staff in-service, a positive team building Chat Breaker exercise was conducted. Every member of the department had a sheet of paper with their name at the top. As each sheet of paper was passed around the room, everyone had to write a kind word or phrase describing that person working up from the bottom of the paper. Then they folded the sheet up to cover their words and pass it on to the next person. The purpose of the exercise was to get team members to focus on their teammates positive actions and inputs instead of always looking at their faults. Many found it easy to write positive words about their co-workers. 
Later, a board was created with everyone’s AFFIRMATIVE words posted on it. Everyone enjoyed reading their kinds words and how others described them. Many commented that it was nice to feel appreciated for their efforts and that the HCMCF Dining Services department is a great team to work with!

Andra Shier| Assistant Director of Dining Services | Huron County Medical Care Facility