The event was well received and a great opportunity for all of the team here to give back to our employees.
Waffle Station | Omelet Station | Toppings | Scrambled Eggs | Bacon |
Sausage | Hashbrowns | Fresh Fruit | Danish | Whipped Butter | Maple
Syrup | Coffee | Juice |
Fruit, Cheese, and Salad Station
Tropical Fruit Platter Tiered | Cheese Platter | Whole Bananas | Sectioned
Oranges and Grapefruits | Tossed Salad (Cucumber | Lettuce | Tomato)
| Caesar Salad | Ranch | Italian | Caesar Dressing | Oil and Red Wine
Vinegar | Rolls | Whipped Butter
Vegetarian Station
Vegetable Lasagna (Spinach | Squash | Sun Dried Tomatoes | Eggplant |
Mushrooms | Zucchini | Grain Salad Bar Quinoa | Nuts | Cranberries |
Butternut Squash | Blue Cheese
Sage-Garlic Roasted Turkey
Turkey | Gravy | Sage Dressing (onions | celery | sage) | Turkey Gravy |
Cranberry Jelly | Steamed Green Beans W/ Shallots
Pineapple-Clove Baked Ham
Pineapple-Clove-Cherry Studded Ham | Pineapple Glaze | Macaroni
and Cheese | Maple-Ginger Roasted Carrots
Prime Rib Roast
Prime Rib | Au Jus | Mashed Potatoes | Steamed Broccoli-Cauliflower
Holiday Cookies | Cup Cakes (Devil's food | Vanilla W/ Coconut Frosting
| Carrot Cake)
Beverage Station
Holiday Spritzer (Ginger-Cranberry-Apple) | Coffee | Tea | Canned Soda
| Water
Waffle Station | Omelet Station | Toppings | Scrambled Eggs | Bacon |
Sausage | Hashbrowns | Fresh Fruit | Danish | Whipped Butter | Maple
Syrup | Coffee | Juice |
Fruit, Cheese, and Salad Station
Tropical Fruit Platter Tiered | Cheese Platter | Whole Bananas | Sectioned
Oranges and Grapefruits | Tossed Salad (Cucumber | Lettuce | Tomato)
| Caesar Salad | Ranch | Italian | Caesar Dressing | Oil and Red Wine
Vinegar | Rolls | Whipped Butter
Vegetarian Station
Vegetable Lasagna (Spinach | Squash | Sun Dried Tomatoes | Eggplant |
Mushrooms | Zucchini | Grain Salad Bar Quinoa | Nuts | Cranberries |
Butternut Squash | Blue Cheese
Sage-Garlic Roasted Turkey
Turkey | Gravy | Sage Dressing (onions | celery | sage) | Turkey Gravy |
Cranberry Jelly | Steamed Green Beans W/ Shallots
Pineapple-Clove Baked Ham
Pineapple-Clove-Cherry Studded Ham | Pineapple Glaze | Macaroni
and Cheese | Maple-Ginger Roasted Carrots
Prime Rib Roast
Prime Rib | Au Jus | Mashed Potatoes | Steamed Broccoli-Cauliflower
Holiday Cookies | Cup Cakes (Devil's food | Vanilla W/ Coconut Frosting
| Carrot Cake)
Beverage Station
Holiday Spritzer (Ginger-Cranberry-Apple) | Coffee | Tea | Canned Soda
| Water
We also had some Morrison support to make this happen. Thanks to Chefs Brian Kempf, Chad McDonald, and Alan Martinez.
Christopher Moore|Morrison Community Living|
System Executive Chef|The Presbyterian Homes