Wellness Fair Success at Sterling Heights

EHM Senior Solutions in Sterling Heights, Michigan recently hosted an employee Wellness Fair. Dietitians - Dana Lutz and Dao Tran and Morrison dietetic intern - Jynessa Brosier, prepared an interactive booth for team members visiting the fair. The morning started off featuring the Superfood: dark chocolate shaved over hot chocolate.

A display of sugary beverages reminded attendees to 'Rethink Your Drink'. These bottles showed how much sugar is consumed from each type of soda.

 Chef Amy Armstrong WOWed the afternoon crowd with an on-display Orange Chicken Couscous - that was delicious!

All who visited the booth entered to win prizes and sampled a house made energy bite featuring dark chocolate and chia seeds among many other tasty ingredients. What a great day! 

Dana Lutz | RD, Regional Clinical Nutrition Manager | Morrison Community Living |­ Evangelical Homes Sterling Heights