Brecon Village Advent by Candlelight Dinner

Brecon Village started off the Advent season with their annual candlelight dinner. This is a time for prayer and song while preparing for the Christmas season. 

The menu consisted of the following:

Michigan Winter Salad- Mixed greens topped with Blue Cheese, Blistered Grape Tomatoes, Candied Pecans, and Dried Cranberries
Choice of Pistachio Encrusted Mahi or Thinly Sliced Beef Tenderloin served with Sautéed Onions and Mushrooms
Roasted Potatoes and Southern Green Beans

Over the past month we have welcomed several new wait staff to the team. This was the first event for many that night and they received a round of applause after service! 

The Brecon Village Team

Bridget Wilson
General Manager of Hospitality Services
Evangelical Senior Solutions