Mike's Message: All or Nothing

In the book titled, The 100/0 Principle, author Al Ritter has uncovered the secret of great relationships. He shows us how changing your thinking and actions can make your life's relationships better, from your spouse, to family members, friends, co-workers, even your boss.

How does the 100/0 Principle work? Simply said: You take full responsibility (the 100) for the relationship, expecting nothing (the 0) in return.

Today, I'd like to share an excerpt from The 100/0 Principle called All or Nothing:

Most of us are familiar with the saying that a good relationship is based on a 50/50 proposition. I'll do my 50%, you agree to do your 50%. The problem is that when something breaks down in the relationship, each person tends to blame the other—to point the finger as if it were the other person's fault.

A few years ago, a philosopher came up with a new relationship theory: the 100/100 proposition. It goes like this:

"I'll take 100% responsibility, you do the same and we can't miss."

Jack Canfield, the co-author of the Chicken Soup series of books, has a favorite quote, "If we're not a little uncomfortable every day, we're not growing. All the good stuff is outside our comfort zone."

The roadblocks to effectively implementing The 100/0 Principle are captured in that quote. When we allow our automatic, knee-jerk tendencies to govern our relationships with others, we almost surely stay inside our comfort zone, and avoid the good stuff—the learning, the growth, the unprecedented results available to us.

Most often, the only roadblock to 100/0 is..."Your willingness to suspend judgment and take full responsibility for the relationship with your ".

When you do this authentically, most of the time truly great things will happen. The bottom line is this: The relationships we create are absolutely critical to our success.