Accountability from Ken: Personal Accountability

Do you feel like your team just lacks personal accountability for achieving the organizational results?  
Actually it is a very common feeling unless you are keeping accountability top of mind any organization will have the following results on average:
·         83% of employees feel they would do things differently if they owned the company
·         63% of employees have found themselves waiting to see if the situation would resolve itself.
·         85% of employees have felt totally powerless over the circumstances or situation
·         60% of employees say they have seen a problem developing, but did nothing about it.
·         76% of employees have fallen into the trap of “just tell me what to do”
So what are you doing about it?  How did you let this happen?  Not to worry here are 3 specific things you can do to get personal accountability back in your team.
#1-Get everyone on the team clear on the results they need to achieve  ( Are you asking and offering feedback?  Are you communicating candidly? )
#2-Make sure there is complete alignment around the results needed  ( How does the work I do help in getting the results ?  Does every team member know that answer? )
#3-Ensure every level of the team is delivering the needed results ( Are you and your team doing the things “you” and “they” say they will do? )