Birthday Lunch at Dominican Sisters

Each month here at The Dominican Sisters of Peace, Chef Andy Harker treats everyone with birthdays to a special lunch. This month for starters he prepared a mixed green salad with his own candied walnuts and a house made pear vinaigrette. The entree was roasted tenderloin with his signature red wine sauce along with mashed buttermilk blue potatoes and asparagus. All the attendees were blown away.

Pear Vinaigrette

Peal and core 8 pears and place in robot coup with a pinch of salt and pepper.
Once pureed, mix in 6-8 ounces of Dijon mustard.
Use a mixture of 1 cup rice wine vinegar to 3 cups olive oil for the vinaigrette.
Mix together vinaigrette and puree and enjoy.
Recipe makes about 1 gallon.