Demo Cooking at Wesleyan Village



Above is a picture from a demo at Wesleyan Village. Richard Hoelzel not only did a demo on making Chocolate Truffles but also spoke about living a healthier retirement with diabetes. Eating smaller portions vs. sugar free and reducing the number of artifical products we introduce to the our bodies.

The recipe for my Truffles is as follows:
8 oz Heavy Cream (if you want to add liqueur reduce cream by 2 or 3 oz and replace with liquor)
16oz 65-70% Cocoa Dark Chocolate is best but you can use any GOOD Chocolate
Chop the chocolate into small pieces if you are using bar chocolate.
Heat cream to simmer and remove from heat add chocolate and stir until all chocolate is melted.

Place in refrigerator and chill until firm.
Scoop chocolate and roll in Cocoa powder.