During our monthly meeting here at the Felician Sister Motherhouse, in Livonia Michigan, we took a few moments to see what was important in everyone's life. We gathered together and each associate wrote what was important to them based upon a body part.
We had an out line of a human body and answered the questions based on these body parts:
- Head-their dreams
- Ears-things they like to listen to
- Eyes-how they would like others to see them
- Shoulders-challenges
- Hands- things they like to do
- Stomach-favorite food
- Heart-things they feel strongly about
- Feet-places they would like to go
The results were very interesting. As different as all of us are, some things were the same (family and friends were among the most important things to all the associates). The exercise taught us all to think about how we all contribute to our work environment because of the different things that motivate us.