Own Your Business Tip - Revenue from Scott Kern

Revenue – Purchasing!  Foodbuy is now the largest GPO, most competitive GPO and they simply do not lose market baskets.  So what does this mean to you?  Look for opportunities to convert purchasing opportunities to Morrison! This will come from a couple areas, the easiest is to identify your “client” purchases in your department from vendors that we can convert to our purchases. Here are some good examples: Hood Cleaning, maintenance needs beyond in-house maintenance, and equipment purchases/ One very easy place that I see quite often is our office supplies. All of our office supplies should be coming through Office Max (online).

Ok, lets step it up a bit.  If you have a self-op housekeeping POM department, you can save your client money by purchasing chemicals, paper products, mops, etc directly from us and billing them all back to the community. This will enhance your revenue as well as provide additional value to our clients by saving them needed dollars.