Ryan Mitchell named Western Home Communities Employee of the Month

Ryan Mitchell has been with Morrison Senior Living since April of 2013.  He has worked tirelessly since his start to prepare and serve delicious food to residents. He has built great relationships with the residents specifically at Windcove who enjoy having conversations with Ryan on a regular basis about the meals he prepares.  Ryan comes to work everyday with a smile on his face, a joke or two up his sleeve, and a can-do attitude.  He has been helpful in training new employees who come into positions such as his, and he continues to provide guidance to those individuals long after they have moved to a different kitchen on the South Campus at the Western Home.  He is able to think quickly and knows how to make changes when necessary.  He takes critisium well and continues to work to correct any wrong doings that may come up in his meal prep.  

He is a proud member of the dining services team here at the Western Home Communities and we congratulate him on his continued hard work and dedication to the residents and the staff.  

Amanda Lynch, Wellness Coordinator
Western Home Communities