Own Your Business: Ken Lundin

Don’t let your staff be “that Guy”!
While I was for a social evening with friends I ran into a wait staff person who got me thinking about our business and what can happen.  We were a table of eight so you know the tip potential was good for the wait person. The table was great and the menu looked very good but the problem started with the first person to order.  There was a steak on the menu served with roasted redskin potatoes and the vegetable of the day.  The person asked if he could sub out the red skinned potatoes for another starch or potato.  The response from the server took me by surprise, “Sorry sir, no you can’t because that is the special and “they” don’t want us changing it”.  So the person ordering just asked for the steak and the vegetables.  As I sank lower in my chair based on that exchange, the next one just did me in.  The next person ordered a chicken dish and was offered 4 types of potato to choose from. 
How do you think the first person to order felt after that?  Then it hit me: if it happens in a nice restaurant like this, it could happen in one of our accounts.  So what are you doing to ensure it doesn’t happen in your dining room? 
Are you rounding with a purpose? 
Do you regularly experience the dining service from a customer point of view?  
Do you reward your staff for great service delivered? 
Don’t let your staff be that guy.