Own Your Business: Kevin McLaughlin

THE TRANSFORMATION JOURNEY                    Kevin McLaughlin  RDO 

This week the McFall Region formally begins a number of changes related to our transformation.  The message has been delivered, the plans have been discussed, reviewed, interpreted and detailed to each of you.  Now it’s time to have the rubber meet the road as we embark toward change. 
I would like to take a few minutes and talk about setting goals and the advantages and positive outcomes that come from this.  As an example, our forefathers set a goal of gaining independence in the new world more than 230 years ago.  Without this high reaching goal, our independence would have never been realized. Success and growth in the new world could have taken a totally different path. Without goals, our outcomes cannot be clearly defined. 

Our transformation goals are quite simple, starting with the non-negotiable list of items that we will practice every day.  A simple scorecard of our progress will be tallied each month and a true pulse of the activity and accomplishment on our goal will be tracked, updated and expanded as we transform. 

Status Quo and getting through each day are no longer acceptable goals, but are sub-standard performance levels that we will not be part of.  Getting to great does not occur by sitting around watching as our other TEAMs drive past us on the road to success.  Being part of the process means “doing it”.  It’s a pretty simple process. 

Now is the time for Eagles to soar within our TEAM.  If you are part of our TEAM and engaged, the expectation is for you to soar. Those who are not engaged have some decisions to make regarding their future.  We can only be successful with 100% engaged TEAM members who embrace our Goals, processes and self-supported career driven initiatives. 

Ideas that can help launch your transformation 
As part of the formal launch reach out to your RDO and submit 3 or more things that you, personally are going to do within the next 30 days to enhance our formal launch. These items will support and help you soar into success.  As with Communicating Value to our clients it is very important that each of you communicate to your DDS or RDO your personal initiatives to promote your engagement to the transformation process. 

“We do believe in setting goals, we live by goals.  In athletics we always have goals, when we go to school we have the goal of graduation and degrees.  Our total existence is goal orientated.   We must have goals to make progress, encouraged by keeping records….As the swimmer, or the jumper or the runner does…

Progress is easier when it is timed, checked and measured…..

Goals are good – laboring with a distant aim sets the mind in a higher key and puts us at our best.

Goals should always be made to a point that will make each of us reach and strain.

                   Spencer W. Kimball 

Planning your transformation is the single most important component of your success achieving your goals.