Watermelon Soup a hit with residents at Stanard Family Assisted Living

Chefs at the Western Home's downtown campus featured a delicious treat for residents this past week.  This watermelon soup was a simple yet scrumptious dish that residents were talking about all the way into dinner service that night.  This dish featured four ingredients; mint, honey, watermelon, and lemon juice.  Residents were astounded by the layers of flavor that the soup provided with just four ingredients.  It was a great way for the chefs to produce this item for residents to try and help them expand their palates.  A couple residents were so pleased with the item that they have recently requested that it be placed on the menu every once in a while so hopefully more residents would be able to try something new, different, and exciting.  It was a great way for chefs to interact with residents on a different level than the day to day dining experience that they all are apart of.  The chefs look forward to doing many more tastings like this using quick and easy recipes that inspire residents to come out and try something new!


Amanda Lynch, Wellness Coordinator
Western Home Communities