Do your employees really know what is expected from them?
Take a minute and read through these questions pausing a minute to answer truthfully.
Do your employees know what is expected of them?
The expectations should be far greater than any job routine. Routines build robots what we need to do is invest in people and develop there hospitality mind set. The job routine is the minimum expectation of employment. We need to inspire or teams.
When developing your expectations make sure the fit inside the smart criteria. Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Timely. When placing items on your list you should run them through this criteria and ensure they will help align your staff with the direction your business needs to go. This list of expectations will illustrate to your staff what’s really important to you.
How do you communicate your expectations?
The average person needs to be given new information seven time before it sinks in. When communication these expectations be sure to keep it fresh in the memories by presenting the information, posting it in the work areas and talking about them.
Do you follow the same set of rules?
This is a very important step. You are the role model in your department everything you do is measured and scrutinized. For example our managers are expected to taste the food we serve and the staff are aware of this expectation. However there is a big difference in eating a free lunch and tasting food. Your employees know the difference do you? You must be the role model in your communities
Do all managers hold to the same set of expectations?
We have different levels of managers with varying levels of responsibility. But that does not mean we need a different set of expectations what must happen is the group to rally around the same set of goals and hold to them. Support your managers in this effort show the staff that you are united. In turn hold your managers accountable to the expectation and the actions of the team.
How do you provide feedback to an employee on their performance?
After you communicate your expectations expect to be challenged. This is the point that will set you down the road to success or failure. All of the managers must hold people to the same expectations and communicate both positive negative behaviors. Communicate the performance often and be sure to give positive feedback with a 2:1 ratio.