In celebration of National Nutrition Month, Diane Collins,
R.D. demonstrated Caribbean smoothies to the Dementia Community at Towlsey
Village in Chelsea, MI. Keeping with the
dignified dining protocol, the topic was explained using simple, clear dialogue
and the recipe had only three basic ingredients (mango, pineapple and yogurt). Using the sensory system, the residents were
able to hold fresh pineapple and mango.
Then they were able to see what that fruit looked like when it was
peeled and cut into chunks. Using
olfaction, the freshness of the tropical fruits stimulated their minds to
consuming the food. Incorporating visual
sense, the staff sat alongside the residents and consumed the smoothies with
them as a group. Ideas about the taste,
temperature and texture of the beverage were discussed. Physical cueing was needed for some
individuals and staff assisted with hand over hand holding of the cup to
stimulate the drinking process. Everyone
enjoyed their time sipping on the cold hydrating beverage, and it provided a
good source of Vitamin C, calcium, manganese, potassium and protein.
DianeCollins/registered dietitian