Associate Retention Strategies from Debbie Hanchett

There are some key strategies to Keeping the Right People. Here is a list of 24 strategies that are broken into four main areas of focus from “Keeping The People Who Keep You in Business”  by Leigh Branham.

Be a company people want to work for.
  1. Adopt a “give –and-get-back” philosophy.
  2. Measure what counts and pay for it.
  3. Inspire commitment to a clear vision and definite objectives.

Select the right people in the first place.
  1. Understand why some leave and why others stay.
  2. Redesign the job itself to make it more rewarding.
  3. Define the results you expect and the talent you need.
  4. Ask the questions that require proof of talent.
  5. Use multiple interviewers and reference checking.
  6. Give a realistic job preview.
  7. Reward employee referrals of successful new hires.
  8. Hire and promote managers who have the talent to manage people.
  9. Hire from within when possible.
  10. Creatively expand your talent pool.

Get them off to a great start.
  1. Give new hires the “red – carpet treatment.”
  2. Communicate how their work is vital to the organization’s success.
  3. Get commitment to a performance agreement.
  4. Challenge early and often.
  5. Train for autonomy and initiative.

Coach and reward to sustain commitment.
  1. Proactively manage the performance agreement.
  2. Recognize results.
  3. Train managers in career coaching and expect them to do it.
  4. Give employees the tools to take charge of their careers.
  5. Know when to keep and when to let go.
  6. Have more fun!  

Debbie Hanchett| Regional Director of Operations