Huron County Medical Care observes National Healthcare Foodservice Workers Week

The dining services team at Huron County Medical Care are dedicated to providing the best dining experience for their residents and they all work very hard at maintaining a safe and sanitary kitchen in order to provide this exceptional service. The director and assistant director of dining services wanted to show their appreciation to the staff during National Healthcare Foodservice Workers week. The special week of recognition this year was October 3 thru the 9th. HCMCF dining services staff were showered with special treats each day demonstrating the managers’ appreciation for all their hard work and dedication to their residents.

On Monday donuts were provided with a note saying “We DONUT know what we would do without awesome employees like you!”

Tuesday each team member wore a badge of honor showing just what their directors think of them! It read “My boss thinks I’m kind of a big deal!” Many staff wore them with pride throughout the rest of the week.

Staff “rocked” on Wednesday. Pop rocks were handed out with a memo telling them “You Rock!”

Thursday a best dressed apron contest was held. Team members were encouraged to wear any special or favorite apron of their choice. Office staff at the facility were the judges and two employees were awarded brand new uniform aprons with the facility’s new logo printed on them.

Friday closed out the week of appreciation with “I Scream, You Scream, We all Scream for this team!”  ice cream bars. This was a special treat for the staff because every time the assistant director has to run to the store for food or supplies, the staff always request that she bring back some Klondike bars which she always “forgets” to get for them!

Many times dining service staff work behind the scenes and do not get recognition for their dedication. But during National Healthcare Foodservice Workers week the staff took pride in their hard work as they were in the spotlight and made to feel appreciated!

Andra Shier| Assistant Director of Dining Services | Huron County Medical Care Facility