Spring has Sprung at BCMCF!

We had a great month at Bay County Medical Care Facility trying out new foods. 

  • We updated our spring and summer menu, introducing new dishes that our residents were excited to try! 
  • We also had a few events featuring Superfood of the Month – Avocado – in two ways. 
  • For our Encore event, we incorporated Avocado Ranch with chicken tenders during a jazz music performance with our activity department. 
  • We also featured a Grape Spinach-Avocado Smoothie at Cook Club which the residents were nervous to try because of the green color, but they loved it and even asked for seconds. 
 May was a month of trying new things! 

Cole Elowsky | Danielle Maguire | Rebecca Pitman | Morrison Community Living | Bay County Medical Care Facility