February Promotional Ideas

African American History Month
Bird Feeding Month: place bird feeders outside your dining room windows and use this link to print bird identifiers for your residents. Or use this recipe and make some Humming Bird Cake!
Cherry Month
Hot Breakfast Month
American Heart Month
National Legume Month: learn what legumes are, how they grow and get recipes

1-7 African Heritage and Health Week
2-8 Boy Scout Anniversary Week
9-25 Winter Olympics
9-15 Jell-O Week: Fruited Jigglers, Broken Glass Jello, Valentine Jello Hearts, Panna Cotta with Pomegranate Jelly

1 - Decorate with Candy Day
2 - Crepe Day: Savory Crepes, Gluten Free Crepes, Dinner Crepes, Breakfast Crepes
2 - Groundhog Day
3- Ice Cream for Breakfast Day: an awesome Breakfast Ice Cream Recipe or learn about the day
4- Super Bowl XLVIII
2 - Popcorn Day: recipes from Something Swanky, Real Simple, BuzzFeed Food, Orville
5 - National Pancake Day: 24 new pancake recipes
5 - World Nutella Day: recipes from Nutella and Chef in Training
6 - Canadian Maple Syrup Day: info about syrup as well as recipes
9 - National Stop Bullying Day: facts about bullying
12 - Paul Bunyan Day: the history of the day, so have your servers dressed in flannel plaid and serve lumberjack pancakes!
14 - Valentine's Day
16 - Innovation Day
16 - National Almond Day: share the history of almonds, nutritional benefits and try a new recipe!
18- Daytona 500
19 - President's Day: Fun Facts from the History Channel
19 - Chocolate Mint Day: Ideas and Recipes
22 - Margarita Day:  non-alcoholic recipe
23 - Dog Biscuit Day: grab a recipe, get the employees together and bake some goodies for the local animal shelter!
24 - National Cupcake Day
26 - World Pistachio Day
27 - Chili Day: chili cook off!!